We’ve been speculating that this might happen, but today, it was made official. Governor Pritzker announced that the deadline for craft grow, infusion, and transporter applications for Illinois cannabis licenses has been extended to March 30, 2020. Moreover, applications will only be accepted through the United States Postal Service after 5:00 pm March 12, 2020.
Specific wording on Illinois Department of Agriculture’s website states:
Application Submission Update
On March 12, 2020 Governor JB Pritzker issued an Executive Order extending the deadline for submitting applications for Adult Use Cannabis Craft Grower, Infuser, and Transporter licenses to the Illinois Department of Agriculture until March 30, 2020 and directing all applications to be submitted via certified mail rather than in-person. Please see below for instructions on how to submit your application via certified mail instead of in-person. Due to concerns about the coronavirus, the Department strongly encourages all applicants to submit their application via certified mail and NOT in person.
- The deadline to submit applications for Adult Use Cannabis Craft Grower, Infuser, and Transporter licenses is extended to March 30, 2020. All applications submitted after March 12, 2020 must be submitted via United States Postal Service certified mail and post-marked on or before March 30, 2020.
- Submissions via UPS, FedEx, or other mail delivery services will not be accepted.
- The Illinois Department of Agriculture will continue to accept in-person applications of craft grower, infuser, or transporter licenses until 5:00 pm on March 12, 2020, however, due to the concerns about spread of the coronavirus, the Department strongly encourages all applicants to submit their application via certified mail.
- Applications submitted via certified mail must be post-marked on or before March 30, 2020.
- There is no disadvantage or advantage to applicants who submit applications via mail compared to applicants who apply in person.
- With the exception of the deadline and mail-in requirement, the format of the application submission remain the same as indicated in the application instructions.
- Applicants submitting multiple applications must submit each application in separately mailed submissions.
- All applications must be mailed to the following address:
P.O. Box 19281
Springfield, IL 62794-9281
For questions please contact AGR.adultuse@illinois.gov.
This announcement comes amid growing concerns of the coronavirus pandemic and joins a number of other social distancing announcements, policies, and guidelines implemented throughout the world.
Applicants for craft grow, infusion, and transportation licenses are encouraged to take this extra time to improve their applications and make sure that they are keeping themselves, their families, and their communities safe.