Cannabis is Coming
Looking to invest in Illinois cannabis?
Learn how to invest in ancillary cannabis products or invest in Illinois cannabis cultivation directly. The best opportunities are listed right here.
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Illinois Cannabis Investment Opportunities
ℹ️ Information/Advertisement 🛒Ancillary/Ecommere 🌱Cultivation 🎉Other Cannabis Business

Dab Connoisseur
Dab Connoisseur is an e-commerce startup focused on providing reviews, demonstrations, and comprehensive shopping for dab rigs and other supplies.
Status: Currently building out platform.
Seeking: Small-scale investor / seed money.
Domain Value: $1,170

The Kona Co.
SOCIAL EQUITY APPLICANT – Inspired by the established underground brand in Southern Illinois. A craft grow dedicated to artisinal quality cannabis.
Status: Ready to start application. Team assembled. Location chosen.
Seeking: Large-scale investors
KonaSeed.Shop, KonaSeed.Store,
Domain Value: $3,500

Cannabis Baker's Book
Site will start as a cooking / recipe blog and eventually transition into selling mixes and a cookbook online and wholesale to dispensaries.
Status: Currently building out platform.
Seeking: Small-scale investor / seed money.
Domain Value: $2,500

Cannabis Road Trip
Cannabis Road Trip is a digital publication focused on all aspects of cannabis tourism – working with restaurants, hotels, and other cannabis-friendly businesses to promote unique experiences.
Status: Platform built – developing content
Seeking: Small-scale investor
Domain Value: $1,200

I Juana (Dab, Bake, Puff)
A suite of three sister ecommerce sites dedicated to their respective ingestion methods. Opportunities to sell ancillary products for now, expanding as legalization and digitization increases.
Status: Building out platform
Seeking: Small-scale investor / seed money
Domain Value: $3,500

Illinois Cannabis Info
You are here! We are a small team curating the most relevant stories, resources, and information related to cannabis in Illinois.
Help us grow!
Status: Platform built, content created, working on monetization and advertising
Seeking: Small-scale investor
Domain Value: $400

Grow Home 420
Although Illinois won’t be allowing home cultivation except for medical patients, many states do. Grow Home 420 is a service business where someone will come into your home to establish your grow and tend to your plants weekly.
Status: Concept
Seeking: Seed money
Domain Value: $900

Daily Cannabis Review
A website dedicated to bringing you the latest in cannabis news, reviews, and information from across the country. Every day, there will be a new recap of the most relevant news and information as well as a product or strain review.
Status: Building out platform
Seeking: Small-scale investor / seed money
Domain Value: $1,100

Cannabis Investments
A website where folks can crowdfund their cannabis businesses or seek traditional investors. Focused on putting the projects out there so investors can choose themselves what they want to support.
Status: In development
Seeking: Small-scale investor
Domain Value: $1,100

Cannabis Repository
Status: Platform built – developing content
Seeking: Small-scale investor / seed money
Domain Value: $1,400

Cannabis Workers of America
The first labor union for cannabis workers. Let people be proud of their work and help protect them from in a new industry unregulated by the federal government.
Status: Idea Only
Seeking: Volunteers & Seed Money
Domain Value: $1,300

Pot Guru
Status: Building out platform
Seeking: Small-scale investor / seed money
Domain Value: $100

Puff Pass Craft
Cannabis-themed craft subscription box for the 420 enthusiast who also happens to be incredibly creative.
Status: Building out platform
Seeking: Small-scale investor / seed money
Domain Value: $700

The Cannabis Aficionado
Status: Building out platform
Seeking: Small-scale investor / seed money
Domain Value: $1,100

Illinois Cannabis Events
Event planners focused on providing cannabis-related experiences at festivals and smaller gatherings throughout the state.
Status: Planning stages for first MASSIVE event early in 2020
Seeking: Small-scale investor / seed money
Domain Value: $900
Illinois Cannabis Investment FAQ
Can I invest in Illinois cannabis businesses even if I'm not rich?
You know that investing in cannabis is the next big thing, and you see the massive potential for gains – but you’re not a millionaire. You’re just an average Joe or Jane who has managed to set a little bit of money aside to get into the game. Thankfully, you can still invest in Illinois cannabis!
Most of the Illinois cannabis businesses listed on Illinois Cannabis Info are small start-ups seeking seed money to get started. They’re run by dedicated teams who are passionate about their project and are willing to put in the hard work to make it succeed. Almost all of the businesses you see listed are seeking total investments under $100,000 – some only need a few thousand dollars to get started!
This is your opportunity to invest in Illinois cannabis. You don’t have to be a millionaire; you just have to have a few thousand dollars you are willing to invest.
Can I be involved with an Illinois cannabis business even if I don't have money?
Money isn’t the only thing that’s valuable to a start-up. Many start-ups are open to offering equity stakes in their companies to people who bring resources besides money to the table. If you have an extensive network, digital or physical assets, or a skillset that would be beneficial to one or several of the businesses listed, fill out the contact form below. We will share your information with the companies on our list to see if any of them are seeking what you have to offer.
This is not a place to seek employment; we don’t connect you with job opportunities. But if you are willing to invest non-monetary assets in exchange for ownership stake, we’d be happy to help connect you with the appropriate people.
What's the minimum investment that Illinois cannabis businesses will accept?
The minimum monetary investment accepted in exchange for equity stake in a company is $1000 but varies among the businesses listed.
Cultivation businesses require much more overall investment so the minimum requirement starts at $10,000.
Companies will negotiate with you directly to come to an agreement; we only facilitate the passing of your information to them. Our businesses are eager to get going, though, so they will be in touch quickly – ready to make deals and start working!
What do I get when I invest in an Illinois cannabis business?
The cannabis businesses listed on Illinois Cannabis Info are offering equity stake in exchange for your monetary investment. Your money goes to building the business, and when the business generates profit, you earn a percentage of it.
Recreational cannabis in Illinois is going to be big business. Many of these businesses will be the first of their kind in the state meaning they are at significant advantage over competitors who will enter the scene further down the line. A number of the Illinois cannabis businesses listed have the potential to grow well beyond their roots in Illinois – which means increased potential revenue as more states legalize recreational cannabis.
The individual cannabis investment details will be hammered out between you and the business owner(s) directly. Early investors typically get the best deals as their money is required in order to get the business off the ground.
Isn't cannabis still illegal federally?
We get it. Thankfully, a lot of the Illinois cannabis business investment opportunities never actually handle cannabis. They focus on making money by selling ancillary products like torches, dab rigs, pipes, baking mixes, and other accessories OR through creating content platforms that provide advertising space for cannabis businesses to reach their customers.
Consult with your own attorney and/or financial advisor if you have qualms about investing in Illinois cannabis – but know that there are opportunities to invest that don’t require investing in a company that produces or sells cannabis or cannabis-infused products.
How is investing in an Illinois cannabis business different from investing in cannabis stock?
Businesses listed on the stock exchange are massive. You own a miniscule piece of the company and are entirely removed from the business operations. These companies are very well-established. They still definitely can fail, but the risk/reward tends be less exciting.
Businesses listed on Illinois Cannabis Info are start-ups. They are still in the early stages of growth, and some may fail. But getting in early means you get a much bigger piece of the pie. You earn actual percentage points rather than a never-ending decimal. When a start-up wins, you win BIG – and the larger your investment and your equity stake, the more you stand to gain.
It’s a lot harder for start-ups to find investors which makes them eager to win you over. They need your money to make their dream a reality – and they’ve already invested a lot of time, brain power, and elbow grease getting where they are. They are typically open to more hands-on involvement from investors who are interested in business operations and are open to negotiating about deal specifics. Some businesses may even be willing to accept investment in the form of loans with guranteed repayment.
But more importantly, you will be a part of something. You will be helping to build something real and tangible as a key player in a brand new industry. It really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Our business owners recognize it; and they are excited to help you cash in on the potential of the Illinois cannabis industry.
Are these Illinois cannabis businesses for sale?
How can I buy an Illinois cannabis business?
Some of the businesses listed may be available for sale. If you are interested in purchasing one or multiple entities, fill out the form below and we will pass it on to the appropriate owners.
Make Green With Green
Cannabis Domains for Sale
Domain Name |
Appraisal |
$100 |
$793 |
$100 |
$806 |
$822 |
$1,126 | | $555 |
$407 |
$643 |
$830 | | $567 |
$1,066 |
$1,025 | | $1,159 |
$100 |
$100 |
$1,250 |
$163 |
$100 |
$721 |
$1,250 | | $1,299 |
$312 |
$100 |
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